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At the heart of education lies the power to shape the future, and that power rests in the hands of educators. However, the teaching profession often faces challenges in keeping up with the ever-evolving technological landscape and adapting to the changing needs of the modern world. This is where the Be Exceptional Teachers Foundation finds its purpose. We exist to bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the demands of the digital age. Read more...

What we believe


Empowering Educators:

When educators are equipped with skills and confidence, they become catalysts for positive change in the society.


Transforming Classrooms:

Classrooms are evolving, and so should teaching. Creativity, innovation, and technology should be merged to inspire both educators and students.


Leadership Beyond the Classroom:

True educators aren't confined to classrooms; they lead movements.


Tech-Savvy Leaders, Guiding Education's Evolution:

Tech-savvy leaders are at the forefront of education's evolution. Be a guiding force, leading the way towards a future where learning knows no bounds.


Every Teacher Represents a unique brand:

Every educator has a unique story and a brand waiting to shine.


Digital Skills, Bright Future:

In a digital age, acquiring essential digital skills isn't just an option; it's a pathway to brighter future for educators and students alike.

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Become a fellow

Ready to embark on a transformative journey as an educator? Join us today and let's unleash your full potential together. It's not just a program; it's a path to becoming an empowered, tech-savvy leader in education. Don't wait for change; be the change. Enroll now and make a lasting impact on the future of learning!

Why joining our fellowship program?

1. Get the empowerment you need to become a leader of positive impact in this digital era.
2. Our fellows are prepare to become boundaries-breakers in education and beyond.
3. We nuture the leaders with educators, equiping them to influence education policy, shape curricula and inspire change far beyond the confines of their schools.
4. We train educators unearth their individuality and craft compelling professional brands that stands out in today's competitive educational landscape
5. We help educators dicover how technology can amplify their teaching and expand their influence.

Why joining our fellowship program?

1. Get the empowerment you need to become a leader of positive impact in this digital era.
2. Our fellows are prepare to become boundaries-breakers in education and beyond.
3. We nuture the leaders with educators, equiping them to influence education policy, shape curricula and inspire change far beyond the confines of their schools.
4. We train educators unearth their individuality and craft compelling professional brands that stands out in today's competitive educational landscape
5. We help educators dicover how technology can amplify their teaching and expand their influence.

Become a partner

Join hands with us in shaping the future of education. Your support is the catalyst for empowering educators, transforming classrooms, and inspiring the leaders of tomorrow. Together, we can make a real difference. Whether it's through a donation, partnership, or volunteering, your contribution matters. Let's build a brighter educational landscape together. Become a supporter or donor today and be part of the change you want to see in the world!

Ways to support

1. Volunteering: You can vonlunteer to handle a specific task or role that contribute to achieving our purpose.
2. partnership: You can partner with us as a school, organisation, faculty or as an induvidual to help us reach more teachers.
3. Donation: Your donation will certainly make a significant impact on our pursuit of transforming the teaching profession.

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Ways to support

1. Volunteering: You can vonlunteer to handle a specific task or role that contribute to achieving our purpose.
2. partnership: You can partner with us as a school, organisation, faculty or as an induvidual to help us reach more teachers.
3. Donation: Your donation will certainly make a significant impact on our pursuit of transforming the teaching profession.

Events Highlights

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DigiHer Rightly fellowship
This is a four-week virtual fellowship first launched on 8th March. 2024 to commemorate the International Women Day 2024. The fellowship seeks to drive inclusion by empowering female preserve teachers with digital revolution into every classroom.

Learn more about this fellowship
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Savvy Educator Workshops; Ongoing workshops and training sessions to keep educators up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and teaching strategies.

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DigiTeachers Hub: An initiative designed to equip teachers with essential digital skills that will enable them integrate technology into their classroom and bridge the digital divide.

Offerings from our faculties

Introduction to Digital Literacy/Basics of Digital Literacy

Creating Multimedia Presentations

Integrating Technology into Lesson Plans (Creating Educational Resources)

Using Educational Apps and Software

Personal Branding as a Teaching

Artificial Intelligence For Productivity in the Classroom

Monetization and the Digital Economy

Positioning for global opportunities


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